Masters of touring,
bicycles prepped and ready for adventure.

Tout Terrain build really marvellous touring bicycles, they make touring less cumbersome with light sturdy frames equipped with built-in pannier racks.

Tout Terrain

Lead Time
4-6 weeks
From £1,695
From £2,795

All the right gearing

Good gear ratios are vital when touring, especially with luggage, it is particularly important that lower gears are available to master long climbs.

While with internal gear boxes, whether Pinion or Rohloff, there is nothing you can change in regards to the primary internal gear ratios and that's different with a derailleur drivetrain system - and it is its biggest advantage.

Gear Ratios
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Bicycles by Design is a Trading Name of PS Leisure Limited - Company number: 6164577 - VAT GB873 8500 03
Tandem Experience Limited - A Subsidiary Company of PS Leisure Limited - Company number 09686660 -
Copyright - PS Leisure Limited and The Tandem Experience Limited